Thursday, January 29, 2009

My first experience with Second Life

Phia Josephina or what' s the purpose of getting a SecondLife

When you start creating your "second" identity you already feel that there will be a connection between the real life and your potential second life. But what will it be and how come?
Why do you choose a certain first name? Why are you not happy with the list of last names they provide? I would prefer having the choice!
I kind of like "Phia" but for the surname the choice is limited...
Hmm, this won't stop me and even so I would have preferred a different surname I am kind of happy with "Josephina", at least it sounds good.
Once entered into SL there are more decisions to be taken.
How do I want to look like? Close to reality? Or somebody radically different?
Well, let's start with some "look-alike" avatat and then will see in the future if this is still suitable.
Once you start modifying your avatar you realize that this all about perceptions How do we see ourselves. Do we prefer to somehow "arrange" reality or we really close to the image we have ourselves.
Besides these fundamental issues I also got confronted to some more "down-to-earth" issues.
Oh my god, what did I do? My hair is gone? Oh no, these pants are too short!!
You see it seems that real life is not complicated enough, you create yourselves more problems in SL. And then you see all these people falling from the sky, some of them have exactly the same dress than you!! Can you believe that? She is wearing my skirt!!
No kidding, this first experience was really fun and I could hardly stop hanging around and exploring this new dimension.

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